Besiktas Meridian Residence
Start From $460,000 / 50%DP - 24 MonthLotus Sisli
Start From $347,000 / 40%DP - 24MonthsAvrupa Konutlari Sisli Residences
Start From $618,000 / 50%DP - 6MonthsDap Yeni Levent
Start From $643,000 / 50% DP - 12 MonthsOrman Istanbul Kagithane
Start From $690,000 / %50DP - 12 MonthsAs your trusted portfolio managers and advisors, we are your single point of contact for all your property portfolio needs. We can provide you access to best-in-class advice and our network of trusted partners. Our reputation depends on our partners’ quality. Therefore, we choose to work with the most suitable leaders, from wealth managers, private banks to lawyers. That is why we only work with trustable and reputable partners with the highest level of trust. So you make sure that the rest assured that you will only receive the best independent advice and services on the market. This transparent approach always allows us to select the best product or service to reach your investment objects.
We manage the progress continuously to ensure everything stays on track. We also stay connected with you to make sure we deliver the most effective and suitable wealth advisory & investment strategies. We help you as we pass each milestone on the journey to your final goal. And, at all times, we will ensure that the process is as seamless, smooth and straightforward for you as possible.
Extensive portfolio and product management are the foundation of ListingTurkey.You can save time and money by taking full advantage of ListingTurkey’s portfolio, consulting team of best-in-class partner experts.

ListingTurkey is your key to unlock a vast new network of industry experts, investors, and developers and their offices. Our network automatically provides you access to a world of new possibilities.
Our job is to fully understand your financial situation in all its details and suggest the most straightforward yet effective investment plan. This will include delivering a crystal clear plan prepared for you and your family’s needs and requirements.
In today’s world, what we do goes far beyond just financial returns. We actively consider the possible outcomes, evaluate the status and impacts of each of your investments according to the. As a result, we can offer a wide range of sustainable options and provide a tailored solution that will secure and optimize the growth of your wealth.
We monitor your situation and what is going on in the wider world and can advise you as things change. This allows you to increase your opportunities to grow your assets by leveraging the most attractive channels.

A plan is prepared just for you.
Get a personal investment strategy tailored for your needs and requirements.
You’ll receive a tailored recommendation based on your investment needs and requirements with our With Portfolio Management Advisory.
7/24 Dedicated support
Your point of contact will be your dedicated support and primary point of contact.
How Does Portfolio Management Advisory Works:
1.ContactTo Our Team
Schedule a meeting or send us a message to get into the details. We’ll help you to reach a portfolio tailored to your needs and requirements.
2.Your Custom Investment Strategy
Complete the online questionnaire that will result in a portfolio recommendation. Once you’ve agreed to your strategy, we will build your portfolio based on listings in ListingTurkey.
3.Stay Up-To-Date
Through a combination of reporting and access to our custom-built Portfolio Center, you’ll be able to track all of your investments.
With Portfolio Management Advisory we can provide you access to best-in-class advice and our network of trusted partners.
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